Bruceton United Methodist Church
Glade Meadow Farm
Glade Meadow Farm
Cost: $5/indoor classes & $8/outdoor classes
or pay $50/month for all classes
($35/month for just indoor classes)
($35/month for just indoor classes)
Outdoor Circuit @ Glade Meadow Farm AKA "Coonhound Boot Camp" (4 mi. north of Bruceton Mills off 26)
Mondays &Wednesdays 6pm
Saturdays 9am
Indoor Classes at BUMC (Bruceton United Methodist Church)
Tuesdays (beginning October 5th)
6pm Core training
This is a mixed class of beginners, intermediate and advanced. The exercises are geared to each individual's fitness level. It focuses on strengthening the muscles along the spine and toning abdominal muscles. This will teach you how your muscles work to balance out your structure to avoid injury.
7pm beginner's guide to meditation
Learn how to quiet your mind and relax your body with a series of stretches, beginner's yoga poses and energy exercises followed by guided meditation that brings you to a greater awareness of your inner/higher self.
Thursdays (beginning October 7th)
6pm indoor circuit training
20 minute cardio warmup followed by half hour of strength training. Strength training is a series of one minute exercises designed to strengthen and tone every major muscle group. 10 minute cool down and stretch at the end.
Any Questions? Contact me